Calgary Bathroom / Help and Tips

19 Oct

The Best Restroom Award 2015

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Bathroom 7277 Views

How an organization decorates, facilitates, and maintains its public washroom can say a lot about how that organization regards and treats its customers. In 2010, Cintas decided to expand its annual Best Restroom Award contest up here to Canada. It’s mission? To find and recognize memorable public bathrooms from around Canada...

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25 Aug

The Shaw Centre’s Toilet Bubble

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Bathroom 4191 Views

The Shaw Centre – formerly the Ottawa Convention Centre – was opened in 2011 to replace the Ottawa Congress Centre. Its ‘space age’ design sets it apart from other convention centres around the world, but the ultimate question is: how are its washrooms?

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27 Jan

The 5 Star Washroom of Valleyview

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Bathroom 2353 Views

You’d be forgiven if you said that you’ve never been to Valleyview, Alberta before. Nearly three hours Northwest of Edmonton on highway 43, the town’s population is less than 2,000 people, but might just boast the nicest public washroom in Alberta...

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21 Oct

Tommyfield Gastro Pub’s Brilliant Washrooms

By Brham Trim (Calgary) Bathroom 4127 Views

As we place a high priority on customer service, we at the Gentlemen Plumbers are always on the lookout for the best public washrooms. A company’s public restroom can reveal insights into how that company values and treats its customers...

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