The 5 Star Washroom of Valleyview

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The 5 Star Washroom of Valleyview

You’d be forgiven if you said that you’ve never been to Valleyview, Alberta before. Nearly three hours Northwest of Edmonton on highway 43, the town’s population is less than 2,000 people, but might just boast the nicest public washroom in Alberta.

Unassumingly located in the local Shell Superstation near the highway, the washroom features an overwhelming feeling of comfort and luxury. The granite counters around its sinks, wooden doors on its toilet stalls, and chandeliers on its ceiling make the washroom a joy to visit. So much so, that some locals go out of their way just to use it!

Valleyview Superstation’s washroom is perhaps more impressive because of its roadside stop location. Anyone who has ever undertaken a road trip before can likely tell you that the vast majority of highway rest stops are far from restful. Some can be downright terrifying! In comparison, Superstation’s stop is so welcoming that they report receiving frequent expressions of gratitude from customers of both genders! Deservingly, the washroom was awarded Cintas’ Best Restroom of Canada in 2013.

So the next time you’re up for a road trip, maybe you could consider making the trip up to Valleyview, Alberta, if only for the washroom.