Calgary Plumbing Help / July 2022

27 Jul

Leaks and Mould

By Brham Trim (Calgary) General Plumbing 3185 Views

The Canadian Lung Association (CAL) says that indoor air quality is an important factor in maintaining good health. In their article entitled, “Pollution & air quality”, CAL reminds us that excess water (in the forms of moisture and humidity) creates a mould-friendly environment. It is also conducive to the growth of dust mites.

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13 Jul

How to Control Your Bathroom Remodeling Costs

By Brham Trim (Calgary) General Plumbing 3543 Views

It has been said that the most expensive remodels you will finance in your home are the kitchen and the bathroom. Often this doesn't have to be the case. In fact, if you follow these five steps from our Calgary plumbing experts for bathroom remodeling, you can actually increase your home’s value substantially without breaking the bank.

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